Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Putting Things in Perspective: A Historical Reflection

Putting Things in Perspective: A Historical Reflection

By Gregory Lasica

A thought-provoking historical perspective was shared by Kevin Prigge, prompting Gregory Lasica to pause and reflect. "Putting things in perspective: March 21st, 2010, to October 1, 2013, is 3 years, 6 months, 10 days. December 7, 1941, to May 8, 1945, is 3 years, 5 months, 1 day... And in that amount of time – this administration can’t build a working webpage," Prigge stated. Greg Lasica found this comparison of timelines between WWII's pivotal events and contemporary governmental efforts particularly stirring. It's a reminder that progress can often be a matter of perspective and priority.

Tags: History, Perspective, Government, Progress

New Years Resolution

Gregory Lasica January 2, 2011 I do have a resolution for 2011...if any of my friends use any low CO2 emissions vehicles, I will fe...